Matthew Gandy’s Natura Urbana

Matthew Gandy’s Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space (hereafter Natura Urbana), has emerged amidst an at once maturing, and simultaneously unsettled literature on the so-called Anthropocene. But it is not simply a conceptual or sematic issue that is at stake in Gandy’s deeply reflexive, meticulously researched, and brilliantly written book. For, Matthew Gandy has managed to expose core tensions within the debates in the social sciences and humanities (he is a Professor of Cultural and Historical Geography at the University of Cambridge) about the implications of urbanism in the 21st century, and also peel back the layers on key points of rift and flexion across the whole scientific enterprise itself. As such, the scope and import of this book is tremendous and it deserves careful attention.

2022 O’Neill, Brian F. "Matthew Gandy: Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space " In New Global Studies.


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